Everyone has those few things that make them happy for no apparent reason other than "I just like it." Recently, I've been indulging in a few quite regularly and it's actually beginning to border on obsession. These little guilty pleasures of mine are seriously becoming a problem. Who ever said you can't have too much of a good thing?
I've always been an avid reader. I read anything really, but recently I've been honed in and focused on erotic romance books. I can't seem to put them down. And it really doesn't help matters much that I have a Nook and an endless supply of free books with Barnes and Noble. Honestly, I've read 5 books in the past 2 weeks and I'm still working on this last one. No matter how many stories I find, there is always a new way to make two people coming together fantastic. I'll keep by bookshelf below updated so you can know what I'm reading.
As much as I enjoy reading these books, if I don't slow down soon, I'm going to end up missing all the deadlines for my grad school applications. As much as I want to find out if Bryn will escape and find her way back to William, I can't keep reading non-stop. Oh, but I so wish I could. Especially now that I don't have cable anymore.
I just don't understand why one issue always has to replace another. Before, I was too transfixed on television to focus on anything. So I cancelled my cable, and now I can't stop reading books. I just need one simple outlet that won't turn into a full fledged obsession! I guess I've always been an obsessive kind of person. From books, to tv, to men, to friends, to family. I obsess, a LOT.
But it's adorable, I swear!
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